Ceramic veneers and crowns

Ceramic veneers are one of the most popular requests in aesthetic dentistry.

In the Biodent clinic we use the material Empress CAD Multi or IPS e.max.CAD. It has high durability and compliance with the natural tooth enamel structure. Besides, this material has huge number of shades due to which veneers will look like naturally and match the colour of your original teeth.

Full ceramic 6 veneers/crowns Empress CAD Multi 3900£

Full ceramic 12 veneers/crowns Empress CAD Multi 7200£

We will help you correct defects and transform your smile in just a few visits, because modern digital protocols are used to make ceramic veneers at BioDent Clinic. During the manufacturing of veneers from morning till night a highly qualified technician works exclusively on your smile, analyzing a series of photographs from different angles, digital impressions, face scans. At the planning stage of your smile, you will receive a digital model of future veneers, which will be transferred to the oral cavity to the teeth using special materials, and only after approving the shape and position of the future teeth, we proceed with all other manipulations, which means that you fully participate in each stage and personally control all changes.

Ceramic veneers are tiny ceramic laminae with less than 1 mm thickness. It is fixed only on the frontal teeth and thus veneers cover teeth only partially.

Indications for ceramic veneers:

  • Change of tooth colour. If your teeth have changed its colours based on trauma or after medication intake, then veneers are the only way to return its natural colour.

  • Wide interdental gaps. Veneers allow increase/decrease teeth size and transform your smile.

  • Minor teeth crowding. Veneers can straighten teeth in case of minor orthodontic issues.

  • Enamel deterioration. Ceramic veneers completely close all the cracks, chips, scratches and reinforce teeth.


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